Tuesday 22 November 2016

week 7

In this week, I show tutor my new blog, the tutor help me make sure what the good reflection, not just description is. It is can help me improve my writing and give me more confidence about write the blogs. I developed my solving the problem skill through the tutor’s help. In the seminar, tutor know we also do not have the meeting with the shoot business, then she gave us an advice about just go to find him not just waiting for him email. This thing let me know when we meet a problem, we can try to use other way to solve it not just waiting. The meeting is very succeed, the staff of shoot business told us what he wants us to do. For example, update and upload content regularly on their social media, namely Facebook and Instagram. After meeting, through the talk with my group members, I think I improve my speaking, and I try to share my idea in the group, I think I reach the target about the personal development in this week.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

week 6

Week 6

In this week, through the meeting in seminar, I know we have done lots of works, such as we make our questions. However, we also have some work need to do, such as do the meeting with shoot business. In the seminar, I know I need to write more reflection in my blog, and do not just describe something. When I come back, I try to improve my blogs, and it let me improve my writing, and let me know the reflection is the main things in the blogs. I also need to improve my time management, because I always submit my blog on next week, Monday or Tuesday. But tutor see our blog on this week, so I should try to improve it. I think I also have some good jobs, I try to share more opinion in our team, and the team meeting helps me to solve my problem about the make questions. At first, I am not know how many questions are better, and how to make the questions, through the meeting, I found others make about 6-7 questions, and they give me some help to make the questions better.

Monday 7 November 2016

what motivates me week 1

My motivation is wanting to study master when I finish my university study. So it needs me to work hard. It motivates me to read everyday. And I am an international student, so I need to do more in my course to get a great mark in university, then I can apply some wonderful school, and get I master.

Another motivation is I want to really study something in the university, when I come back to China, I want to know more knowledge than other young people. I can use some knowledge that I study in the UK to work better than others. And I can understand more than other people, then I will get a good job. Study marketing also can help me to set up my own company, because it can help you know the customers, brand, competitor, marketing and so on. So it motivates me to work hard to know the UK’s marketing, EU’s marketing and so on. It will let me do better than others.

week 5

In this week, the tutor do the meeting with every group, and from the meeting we know everyone will had ourselves role, such as I will do the operations. In the operation, I need to research some information about the finance, HR, productions and admin. This is my job in the group. And the tutor explain how to work in the group. And in this seminar tutor helps us to solve other problem, because we are not get any feedback from the staff of shoot business, so the tutor helps us to contact him. Hopefully, we can have a meeting with him as soon as possible. And this week I also learn some things about the project management. Learn the definition and learn how to do the project planning. And know we can use the Excel to help us, such as Gantt Charts.

Week 4

In this week, we got our feedback about our presentation, and the tutor told us which brand we should do. We know we need to do the shoot business in this year, and we read our feedback, through it we know I did the competition analysis is good, so I can do the work about the competition in the next time like this. And I also have some part need to improve, such as we were not discuss the Belbin test in the presentation in the last week, so we should try to think more role about us in the group and next work. Then the tutor explain more role theory in seminar. And we try to think some questions about this brand, such as what, how and so on. I also got my new work about the shoot business, I need to think some questions about operations in this brand. And we make meeting with the staff in shoot business.

Week 3

In this week, we do the presentation in the seminar. But I think the most important things are we can learn something from other group and I think we can improve ourselves from theirs. In the seminar I found there also have about three to four groups did the I-COM, and I think every group have something that we can learn. The other good thing is the tutor will give us some advice about our presentation, then we will know how to improve it. 

Week 2

In this week, I did the Belbin test, and got the result about it. It can help me to understand what should I do in the team and what’s role is good for me. I think this test can let the group work more effect than before. In the class, tutor explain more details about the role in the group, let me can understand it. In the group, I am a team player and executive, so the tutor let me know what is my job, and we discuss in our group then make sure everyone’s role. And we make a decision about what agency we interested in, we choose five pitches and try to do some research about the I-COM, we got ourselves work in this team. We also try to prepare our presentation about the I-COM, I know how to do this short presentation, such as we need to research some information about client, customers or audience, competition, collaboration and product/service of this brand.